Write a Story with Me #59—Nicky Wells “Do it now”

Write a Story with Me is a group endeavor just for the fun of it.  A different writer adds a new 250 words each week.  It is the ultimate Flash Fiction Challenge!

If you’d like to sign up, come on over.  There’s always room for more!

Here’s this week’s excerpt.  We hope you enjoy!

59—Nicky Wells “Do it now”

From the castle tower, Morath and Jenelle watched the Establishment ship crash into the waves. It floated for a moment but quickly capsized and sank. The other female fae let out a cheer and clapped their hands, sensing victory. As they broke contact with each other, the protective shield over the city collapsed, and the Establishment fleet instantly stepped up its attack.

“This is the end.” Morath spoke quietly as missiles whistled through the air.

“It can’t be,” Jenelle protested fiercely. “The blood sacrifice has been made, we can renew the shield, Janosc had dealt one of their ships a deadly blow, he can do more…”

“It’s not enough.”

A trickle of dread rose up Jenelle’s back. There was a quiet determination about Morath that made her uneasy.

“Fae,” Jenelle shouted at the top of her voice. “Fae, hold hands and re-forge the shield. Quickly.”

The female fae joined their energies once more. The shield began to form again, but it was fragile and patchy.

Morath rose above them and commanded their attention. “This is the end. This war must finish. Humankind must perish.”

“But Morath—”

“If I perish, humankind will perish with me. It is the only way.” Morath assumed her human form and fell hard on the ground. “Perish me. Perish me as I am now, human and mortal. Do it. Now.”

“Morath, no!” Jenelle wrapped her Queen in a protective embrace. “No,” she sobbed. “Not you.”

“Do it now!” Morath decreed with finality.

Want to read more?  See below for past excerpts.

If you’d like to sign up, come on over.  There’s always room for more!

Parts One – Fifty Click Here

Part Fifty-One – Joe Owens

Part Fifty-Two – Shayla Kwiatkowski

Part Fifty-Three – Jennifer Eaton

Part Fifty-Four – Shan Jeniah Burton

Part Fifty-Five – Jenny Keller Ford

Part Fifty-Six – Susan Rocan

Part Fifty-Seven – Susan Roebuck

Part Fifty-Eight – Elin Gregory

Part Fifty-Nine – Nicky Wells

Don’t forget to stop by next week to see what happens next.

  Vanessa Jane Chapman — TAG!  You are “It”

Write a Story With Me Contributors

shayla kwiatkowski gryphonboy Jennifer M. Eaton Vanessa Chapman
Siv Maria Sharon Manship shanjeniah Vikki (The View Outside)
Danielle Ackley-McPhail Richard Leonard susanroebuck Jenny Keller Ford
aparnauteur kaidamian Eileen Snyder Elin Gregory
Joe Owens anelephantcant mysocalledDutchlife Nicky Wells
norahdeayjansen Julie Catherine Ravena Guron
jiltaroo 4amWriter mywithershins

1 swivel

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4 responses to “Write a Story with Me #59—Nicky Wells “Do it now”

  1. Woohoo! Thanks all, so glad you enjoyed. It was a bit of a surprise, I know. When I submitted the instalment to Jennifer, I got an email saying “Whoa!” Well, exactly. But an incisive event was due ~ curious to see what happens next!! 🙂 Loving this series!

  2. Ouch…but effective. Now what? The tension mounts.

  3. Julie Catherine

    Way to go, Nicky, love the way you kept up the pace and tension! Can’t wait to read what happens next ….

  4. sounds like we’re wrapping up a great story. Awesome entry!!