#Free #ebooks “18 Things” by Jamie Ayres #freestuff


Yay!  It’s Freebee Fridays time!

First of all,

Congrats to everyone who got in on the action last week and downloaded a free version of “A Hint of Frost” by Hailey Edwards before Amazon caught up with the little blue lady.

If you’d like to find out more about Hailey, hop on over to http://haileyedwards.net/

PKO_Alien 3 0003387I had fun breaking into Amazon last week.

Well, thanks for not blowing them up, because I rather like Amazon.     This week Jamie Ayres is coming over.

Alien Huh CloseWait, wasn’t she a winner a few weeks ago?


Yes she was!  Jamie is a reader.  She hangs out here a lot, and her debut novel was just released.  Pretty cool, huh?

PKO_Alien 3 0003387It’s only cool is things explode in it.

Umm, I honestly don’t know, but let’s see what she has to say.  Put your smiley face on… here she comes.

Alien SmileWell, Hello There.  Welcome, Welcome.

Come on in and get comfy.

Well, you look rather sure of yourself, young lady.

Yeah, well, I did my research.  I know what I’m in for.  Let’s cut to the chase Little Blue Lady.  I’m Jamie Ayres (but you can call me Jaim-O)

PKO_Alien 3 0003387A Lady who doesn’t like to mess around!?

Okay, so what do you want?

I’d like a gallon of coffee and a credit card to buy an unlimited amount of Norman Love Chocolates. Oh, and I’d also like to give away a copy of 18 Things.

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Well, you have to earn the right to give something away here, Miss Smarty Pants!


Bring It!

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Well this is a feisty one!  Okay… Ms. Ayres… What makes you think your book is good enough to read?  I saw the cover.  It looks boring.

Don’t judge a book by… Oh, never mind… It’s a story about unconditional love, redeeming hope, and taking leaps of faith to achieve goals, with lots of laughs and Yoda-like wisdom sprinkled throughout.

Alien SmileYoda!  A fellow alien!  Maybe this isn’t as boring as it looks!

What would make me want to read it, other than Yoda?

For the same reason we read any story—we long to know we’re not alone, they remind us of ourselves, they give us a new perspective, they make us laugh and entertain us. Sometimes, they make us feel emotions we wish we had in our everyday lives.

PKO_Alien 3 0003387I have no emotion

I doubt that’s true. 

You look very emotional. 

Actually, right now I think you’re blue.

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Am not!

Have you looked in the mirror?


PKO_Alien 3 0003387Stop that!

Jennifer, she’s picking on me!

That’s part of the interviewer gig… brush it off, don’t let her get the upper hand!

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Well, okay then.  So, mis Ayre-y Ayres.

Does anything explode in this novel?


Think Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Oh!  I like marshmallows.  Wait a minute.

Ha!  I just got that.  I loved that movie!

Me, too.

That makes us movie sisters!

PKO_Alien 3 0003387Well, okay, then sister.

Other than exploding marshmallows, what’s the book about?

Can eighteen things save a life?

Olga Gay Worontzoff thinks her biggest problems are an awful name (after her grandmothers of course) and not attending prom with Conner, her best friend and secret crush since kindergarten.

Just as she’s finally embracing the joys of living life for the moment, her therapist reveals a terrifying secret and Olga’s world is shaken. In the past year, it took eighteen remarkable things to change a life, but nothing she believed about her mission is true.

Now she doesn’t just risk losing her true soul-mate forever, she risks losing her very soul.

Alien Huh CloseWhaaaat?  It doesn’t sound like things explode.  And you’re another one of those chicks who sounds like they are reading when I asked what their story is about. I hate that!

Ummmm, Sorry?

PKO_Alien 3 0003387You best be!

Now you must redeem yourself! Have you ever actually exploded anything?

As a teacher, I’ve done the baking soda and vinegar volcano reaction many times. Also, probably everyone has done fireworks on the 4th of July, but have they blown up a watermelon with fireworks? Enough said.

Alien SmileHee Hee.  That sounds like fun!

Have you ever painted you hair blue?

No, but I let my students do it twice!

And guess what, it was to motivate them to READ!


Alien SmileYou sound like such a cool teacher!

Have you ever thought of maybe taking over the world?

Yes. I’m thinking of embedding a secret code in the text of my next book, 18 Truths, that will put everyone automatically under my hypnosis after they read it. I will then order them to build me a Death Star and take over galaxies one by one. Would you like to help?

PKO_Alien 1 0003414YES!  I am up to the challenge!  Finally, a kindred spirit! Have you ever actually been in space?

I’m originally from Dagobah. Do you think an evil-genius writer and master of words could actually be a mere human? Psh!

Alien SmileHa!  Finally an admission of the truth!  I knew someone with such  an extra-ordinary talent had to be from another world!  Welcome to Earth, Ms. Jamie of Dagobah!

It’s nice to be here. 

Does this mean I can give away a copy of my book?

Alien SmileYes!  Absolutely!  Let’s allow people to comment below, and then you, in your infinite alien wisdom, can pick a winner


Let’s do it!


Alien SmileIf anyone would like to win a free copy of “18 things” leave a comment below.  We will choose a winner on Monday.

How about we give the winner a choice of an ebook or paperback?


Alien SmileYou got it!

So start commenting!

If you’d like a chance to win a free copy of 18 Things, please leave a comment below, and if you’d like to find out more about Jamie Ayres, hop on over to http://jamieayres.com/

15 responses to “#Free #ebooks “18 Things” by Jamie Ayres #freestuff

  1. This is such a great interview! Very creative and fun. 🙂

  2. Pingback: IWSG–Do I Have the Magician’s Secret? « Jamie Ayres

  3. These interviews are so much fun! I love the Blue Lady’s attitude and Jamie was able to throw it right back at her! Great job!

    I know I’m a day late and a dollar short of the chance to win a free copy, but just reading the interview was worth it. Now, I should toddle off to her blog. 🙂

  4. This is an awesome interview: innovative. Sweet. Anyway, I’m kissing up for a copy of the book too. Yes, I am but really, I find this a refreshing and entertaining approach. Pick me. Pick me.

  5. Little Blue Lady, you epitomise everything that is wonderful about interviewing … we are all in awe of your truly remarkable skillz! … oh yes, the book sounds amazing too!

  6. Woohoooo! We’re taking over the world:-) Thanks for visiting everyone and for your compliments . . . keep ’em coming until Monday! And isn’t Jennifer and her little blue lady awesome hosts *blows stuff up to celebrate*

  7. I really need to think about blowing things up in my WIPs…. There’s reference to an explosion in one of them—will that help my chances? And my favorite color is blue…. 🙂

  8. New books are wonderful, with or without explosions. This one sounds like a page-turner!

  9. Julie Catherine

    Hahaha, loved this, and I kind of think that Jamie had the blue lady hooked almost from the start … lol. 🙂

  10. Blue Lady, I would love to read this novel because I do blow things up in my novel. Lots of things. Jamie, I’d love to win one because I like love stories and blowing things up, too. I also think you’re pretty cool. :-)..

  11. I’ve seen this book around. The book cover is absolutely stunning.

  12. Shannon Bereza

    I look forward to these interviews every week. They really make my day and I’m happy to hear someone actually got on blue lady’s side about blowing things up. This book sounds amazing and I would love to read it!!!

  13. This sounds like a wonderful book…a real emotion-tugger! I love books that make me think about my own life (not that mine is a story to write!) but this sounds like one that reminds you to look at things/your life! Definitely I’d love to read this!