Write a Story with Me # 65 – Danielle Ackley McPhail – “Glamour”

Write a Story with Me is a group endeavor just for the fun of it.  A different writer adds a new 250 words each week.  It is the ultimate Flash Fiction Challenge!

If you’d like to sign up, come on over.  There’s always room for more!

Here’s this week’s excerpt.  We hope you enjoy!

Part 65 – Danielle Ackley-McPhail “Glamore”- http://www.sidhenadaire.com

East/Jenelle breathed deep of the magic of the Gleaming Tree, drew it in and made it their own. As the Establishment dragon ship plied the skies they fed the tendril of mage energy trailing from the vessel, latched on to Yoran. They fed it and shaped it, sharpened the edge, then by their will pressed it against the technological governor embedded in his brain, the one control he had been unable to extricate. That malevolent chip had turned a loving father into a hate-filled tool. The fate of his family and the world depended on East/Jenelle’s successfully deactivating that program.

“Ah!” the melding of elemental being and royal fae cried out, the building pressure of the magic proving nearly too much for even Jenelle’s fae nature. And still they drew more as the control chip somehow fought back, sending threads of fire down the connection to burn away the cord of mage energy. The fae strengthened the bond even as the technology sought to sever it. The magic flared in the sky. Its current jammed against the technology and finally overcame it.

East/Jenelle sensed as Yoran, trapped in the ship above, cried out and crumbled to his knees as the magic killed the cybernetic chip that had forced him to act against his nature. They gasped, and quickly shrouded him in a seeming. If they were to bring down the Establishment and reinstate harmony between Human and Fae, it was important that those in command believed Yoran remained their tool…for now, anyway.

Want to read more?  See below for past excerpts.

If you’d like to sign up, come on over.  There’s always room for more!

Parts One – Fifty Click Here

Part Fifty-One – Joe Owens

Part Fifty-Two – Shayla Kwiatkowski

Part Fifty-Three – Jennifer Eaton

Part Fifty-Four – Shan Jeniah Burton

Part Fifty-Five – Jenny Keller Ford

Part Fifty-Six – Susan Rocan

Part Fifty-Seven – Susan Roebuck

Part Fifty-Eight – Elin Gregory

Part Fifty-Nine – Nicky Wells

Part Sixty – Vanessa-Jane Chapman

Part Sixty-One – Ravena Guron

Part Sixty-Two – Julie Catherine

Part Sixty-Three – Kai Damian

Part Sixty-Four – Richard Leonard

Part Sixty-Five – Danielle Ackley McPhail

Don’t forget to stop by next week to see what happens next.

Joe Owens — TAG!  You are “It”

Write a Story With Me Contributors

shayla kwiatkowski gryphonboy Jennifer M. Eaton Vanessa Chapman
Siv Maria Sharon Manship shanjeniah Vikki (The View Outside)
Danielle Ackley-McPhail Richard Leonard susanroebuck Jenny Keller Ford
aparnauteur kaidamian Eileen Snyder Elin Gregory
Joe Owens anelephantcant mysocalledDutchlife Nicky Wells
norahdeayjansen Julie Catherine Ravena Guron
jiltaroo 4amWriter mywithershins

1 swivel

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3 responses to “Write a Story with Me # 65 – Danielle Ackley McPhail – “Glamour”

  1. Thanks, everyone! Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Glad to see why Yoran has been so torn and that he is no longer under Establishment rule. Well done, Danielle! 🙂