Learning to Draw Manga #4 – Your own Character (Partial Fail)

This week, my son was experimenting with the dreaded 3/4 view, and started making his own characters. He came up with a few really nice ones, so  I decided to give it a try myself.

Partial Fail.  I’ve never been good at forming something in my head.  Dude kept saying “What are you trying to draw?  What do you see in your mind?

I guess that’s my problem.  I can’t get a clear view in my head.  It’s not like this character is moving around in my novel and I know what she’d thinking, you know?  Anyway, this is what I cam up with.


My son is still growling at me, but I tried something a little different, and I’m not thrilled.  I went for a more realistic eye, and I had to play with it a lot.  I think I made the hair too high.  She started with an open mouth, but my son said it was all wrong… so I made her sad instead.

This is “I have to write a query” Manga.  Can’t you tell with the sad face and frazzled hair?


8 responses to “Learning to Draw Manga #4 – Your own Character (Partial Fail)

  1. Pingback: Learning to Draw Manga #8.5 – Walking Draft | Jennifer M Eaton

  2. Pingback: Learning to draw Manga # 8: Chibi full body pose | Jennifer M Eaton

  3. Yeah that’s always been my weakness. I do fine when I’m drawing something I can see, but ask me to draw something in my head and you got nothin…

  4. Writing a query… Heh.

  5. Looks great to me and she does sort of look like she’s thinking about that query…

  6. I think it’s great. I love what you did with her eyes. Doing so much better than I would, that’s for sure. Proportions are always my biggest flaw when I try to draw anything. I think you’ve got this one 80% there. Looking good, Ms. Jennifer.