Tag Archives: fire in the woods

FREE on eBook today only! FIRE IN THE WOODS reads like a contemporary, but packs the punch of an action movie!”

FREE on eBook today only! FIRE IN THE WOODS reads like a contemporary, but packs the punch of an action movie!”  For the first time ever, book one in my FIRE IN THE WOODS series is FREE on ebook!


Tell your friends there’s never been a better time to start their race through the woods!

Blurb below if you want to check it out.

Get your copy now at:

Amazon | Barnes & NobleKoboiBooks | Google Play

1 fire paper and ebook FullSizeRender2


Aliens, Armageddon, and Romance

Fire in the Woods is FREE on Ebook

Today only



Discover the high-action alien adventure that started it all!

Amazon | Barnes & NobleKoboiBooks | Google Play

When a plane crashes in the woods near Jess’s home, the boy of her dreams falls out of the sky—literally.

But David’s not here to find a girlfriend. He’s from another planet, and if Jess can’t help him get back to his ship, he’ll be stuck on Earth with nothing to look forward to but the pointy end of a dissection scalpel.

Her father runs their house like an army barracks, and with an alien on the loose, Major Dad isn’t too keen on the idea of Jess going anywhere. Ever. So how the heck is she supposed to help the sweetest, strangest, and cutest guy she’s ever met? Hiding him in her room probably isn’t the best idea. Especially since her Dad is in charge of the squadron searching for David. That doesn’t mean she won’t do it. It just means she can’t get caught.

As they race through the woods with Major Dad and most of the U.S. military one breath behind them, Jess and David grow closer than either of them anticipated. But David has a genocide-sized secret, and one betrayal later, they are both in handcuffs and alien warships are positioning themselves around the globe.

Time is ticking down to Armageddon, and Jess must think fast if she’s to save the boy she cares about without sacrificing Earth—and everyone on it.

Fire in the Woods is the first book in a high-action contemporary science fiction series great for fans of Starcrossed, The Lux Series and Alienated.

Discover Fire in the Woods and start your race through the woods FREE today!

Amazon | Barnes & NobleKoboiBooks | Google Play

It’s Release Day for Embers in the Sea! Dork Dancing Allowed for Everyone!

embers-coverYou guys! The day is finally here! EMBERS IN THE SEA, Book 3 of my FIRE IN THE WOODS series is finally out loose in the world.

And early reviews give it 4.75 stars!



To be honest, a few years ago I never dreamed there would be more than one book let alone three, and I’m thrilled to pieces you guys have embraced my little alien action adventure with such gusto.

 Saving the world is tough work, but don’t worry, Jess and David are up to the challenge at least one more time!

This is going to be a short note, because so much is going on right now that I can hardly keep up, but I’ll paste the blurb below if you want to check it out.

Just in case you’re new here, the first five chapters of FIRE IN THE WOODS are available to read free on Wattpad. Click here to start your race through the woods!

Book One is on sale today if you want to check it out!

Here’s the blurb and a puuurrrtttyyyy picture of EMBERS on my eReader. (Insert crazy author giggle of glee here)

embers-reveal2Alien scientist David has dealt with disappointment his entire life, but failing to breathe life into the planet Mars is his greatest regret. Out of options and in need of a new home for their people, the alien Caretakers rekindle their plan to inhabit Earth. First they will have to eliminate the human race, including Jess, the only human David holds dear.
Humanity has one final chance at survival. David needs to emulate Earth’s precipitation on Mars. But the catalyst to make it rain lies in the fathomless depths of Earth’s ocean.
The clock is ticking down to humanity’s last hours as Jess and David face a world more alien than either of them can imagine. The sea hides secrets, but some secrets don’t want to be found.

And there you have it! I really hope you love this one, guys, and thanks again for all your support!

Alien Kisses! —Jennifer

embers-coverAlien scientist David has dealt with disappointment his entire life, but failing to breathe life into the planet Mars is his greatest regret. Out of options and in need of a new home for their people, the alien Caretakers rekindle their plan to inhabit Earth. First they will have to eliminate the human race, including Jess, the only human David holds dear.

Humanity has one final chance at survival. David needs to emulate Earth’s precipitation on Mars. But the catalyst to make it rain lies in the fathomless depths of Earth’s ocean.

The clock is ticking down to humanity’s last hours as Jess and David face a world more alien than either of them can imagine. The sea hides secrets, but some secrets don’t want to be found. Embers in the Sea is part one of the heart-stopping finale to Jennifer M. Eaton’s Fire in the Woods series.

Available wherever books are sold

Buy Links:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository |BooksAMillionKobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound | Google Play

It’s the cover reveal for EMBERS IN THE SEA!


Can you believe it?

The big day is almost here!

We’re rocketing straight into 2017, when the third book in my YA science fiction series FIRE IN THE WOODS will finally be released into the world.

Are you excited?

I am!

EMBERS IN THE SEA releases January 31, 2017 and is already up for preorder at a few wonderful bookish places.

It’s really exciting to get another installment in this series out to you.


PKO_cheer30010118YES there will be a race against the clock.

YES there will be space ships.


Without further ado, here is the awesome cover for book three in the fire in the woods series, EMBERS IN THE SEA.

Please feel free to share around on social media. Let’s make this a party!




Alien scientist David has dealt with disappointment his entire life, but failing to breathe life into the planet Mars is his greatest regret. embers-coverOut of options and in need of a new home for their people, the alien Caretakers rekindle their plan to inhabit Earth. First they will have to eliminate the human race, including Jess, the only human David holds dear.

Humanity has one final chance at survival. David needs to emulate Earth’s precipitation on Mars. But the catalyst to make it rain lies in the fathomless depths of Earth’s ocean.

The clock is ticking down to humanity’s last hours as Jess and David face a world more alien than either of them can imagine. The sea hides secrets, but some secrets don’t want to be found.

Buy Links:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Add to Goodreads | (More retailers will come online everyday if your fav is not listed here)


I hope you love the cover, and I hope you love EMBERS IN THE SEA even more!

Fire in the Woods Cover Ashes in the Sky Cover 2016 embers-cover

Look! It’s a matched set!


Hello out there!cropped-cropped-website-1-1-logo.jpgcropped-fire-banner-final2.png

Ashes and Fire2You can find Fire in the Woods and Ashes in the Sky at all these awesome bookish places!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound | Google Play

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Anatomy of three very similar rejection letters

Recently, a friend of mine asked for some help after receiving two very similar rejections letters. Up until this point, she had received many stock “No thanks” responces, or the dreaded crickets in the email (as in no response at all.)


Every few months, she edited and sent out a new set of queries. Then, after getting a few manuscript requests, she received something different. Yes, still rejections, but two days in a row she received rejections with FEEDBACK. Score!


I looked over the feedback she was sent by three different agents, and realized the reasons for the rejections were very similar.

Without giving her name, or showing the exact rejections, I am going to cut and paste my analysis of those rejections. Even reading this back to myself after I’d written it, gave me ideas to go back and revise things in my own manuscript.

I hope you find this helpful!


Hey you! First of all, YES I believe you read into this correctly. Your writing is so polished that a few people decided you were worthwhile enough to tell you why they decided to pass. So, on that point: CONGRATULATIONS!

All three of these emails confirm that you have an awesome, original concept that they all believe has the power to be a hit. This is the first hurdle everyone needs to overcome. Rock on, girlfriend!

Past this point, you need to prove that the structure and voice are good enough for them to RISK countless hours of their own time to try to sell your work. (Because, hey, if they can’t sell it, they don’t get paid)

Read-hold up PKO_0016876So, this is what I see when I read each email…

#1. “I had a hard time connecting…”

#2. “I didn’t connect with the narrative voice.”

#3. “The narrative wasn’t able to keep me as entranced as the plot would suggest.”

These all said pretty much the same thing, which is AWESOME! Now you know what you need to fix.

“Connection” has to do with VOICE and DEEP POV.

VOICE: You need to ask yourself: Is the voice that I am writing in authentic to my main character? If she is 16, does she sound like a 16 year old? (In spoken word, inner thought, and also in the narrative)Point_of_View2

DEEP POV: Does the overall narrative flow without any bumps that will draw my reader out of the story and remind them they are reading a book? (look for “gentle” show verses tell issues. Look for words like WAS, LOOK, SEE. Check for passive tense.)


Basically, you want to hook the reader on the first page and draw them so deeply into the POV of your character that they can’t get out. They forget they are reading, and all of the sudden it’s 6 hours later and they flip the last page. [[Not that I am an expert at this, but every draft I do gets me closer]]

Now, on comment number three: “The narrative wasn’t able to keep me as entranced as the plot would suggest.”Huh

This could be one of two things. Because of the first two comments, I would guess that the issue is voice and/or deep point of view. HOWEVER… it is also possible that there is a pacing issue.

PACING: Does the book lag anywhere? Are the slow parts just slow enough to let the reader take a breath, or are they so long that the reader gets bored? Can you concatenate the slower chapters to give the required information quickly so you can get back to the good stuff?

“I had a hard time connecting with the way the mystery unfolds.” This could also be pacing, but also ask yourself if there is a “build” in your mystery as each stone is unturned. Is the reader DYING to know whodunit?

I’d look over the manuscript again, thinking about each of these topics INDIVIDUALLY. I think you should only work on one of them at a time. (At least that’s what I do) It helps to keep focused, and gives you less of a chance of missing the opportunity to make a good paragraph GREAT if you are trying to accomplish too many types of edits at the same time.

This is probably the most exciting edit you will ever do… the one where little bells will go off in your head as you see the manuscript come to life. Have fun!

[BTW – just writing this has me thinking about my own manuscript, and a couple of things that I want to look at again, so THANKS for the push!]

So, there you have it. Rejection isn’t always bad. I remind myself that Fire in the Woods was rejected quite a few times, and I’d revised over and over before I received two rejections with feedback similar to above.

My next edit after that feedback got me a three book deal!

Keep submitting, and don’t be afraid to edit some more.




Ashes and Fire2You can find Fire in the Woods and Ashes in the Sky at all these awesome bookish places!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound |

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Facebook Advertising, Take Two – Very different results.

So, I tried Facebook advertising again. I changed things up just a little. And the results were surprisingly different.


Facebook warns that if you add words to your picture, that you will not get seen by as many people.

I tried using the ad that my publicist created, and they showed me that there was too much writing on the ad, and a company logo … that it would only be seen by 200 people. So, like a conscious consumer, I scrapped it and made my own.

I took a picture and added three lines of copy. This is what it looked like.

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Yes, they tell you that ads with words on them will reach less people, but since they WARNED be on the first one, I figured they would warn me on this one, too.

I went through the motions, and Facebook told me that over a two day promotion, and $2.00 a day, I would be seen by 1,800 – 3000 people. Hey, for $4.00 sign me up!

Well, this was NOT meant to be. I scratched my head, watching the numbers.


There were three factors involved. I’m not sure which one caused the problem.

#1: It was labor day weekend. The sale ran from 11:00 AM Saturday to 11:00 AM Monday (I was hoping people might grab a beach read)

#2: There was a hurricane coming. People bailed on the beach.

#3: I added two lines of copy, and it was obviously an ad, rather than the personal approach I first used.

I might try again with the same add photo during the week to see if I get higher numbers. That way I can rule out the hurricane (That never showed up, but the way)

As a reminder, these were the results of my first ad:

At $1 a day I received an average of 284 views per day and 8 clicks per day

At $2 a day (On a Sunday, which might have skewed things) I received 515 views and 11 clicks

If you want to be really anal, for a total of $9.00 it cost $.00359 cents per view, or $.13 per click. Personally, I don’t only value the “click” numbers, because I know how important just the face time of the cover is.

This time around, as I said, the results were much different.

Think GirlMy paid reach was 528 people over two days. That’s 264 a day. That is 20 less views than I got when I paid only $1.00 a day. NOT COOL!

I received 16 post clicks. Average of 8 a day (The same amount of clicks I got the first time around) FOR DOUBLE THE COST.


sadSo, overall, this one was a bust for me.

Facebook is telling me that if I add $1.00 to my budget, my reach will increase to $4.5k-10.6K. … But I didn’t reach the 3000 people I was supposed to reach the first time, so I’m doubtful.

Since it is only $1.00, I am going to take them up on the offer on Tuesday when everyone goes back to work.

Let’s see if there is any change.

This will tell me if it is the added words on the ad causing the problem, or if it was just bad timing.

I’ll let you know how it goes!


Ashes and Fire2You can find Fire in the Woods and Ashes in the Sky at all these awesome bookish places!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound | Google Play

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An Analysis of my first try at Facebook Advertising

Aliens, Armageddon, and Romance

Fire in the Woods is only $.99 on Ebook

For a limited time!

Amazon | Barnes & NobleKoboiBooks | Google Play

Last week, my book went on sale on Ebook for $.99. This was a bit of a surprise, and I wouldn’t have even known unless a friend happened upon it and let me know (funny how that happens in the publishing biz.)

Anyway… in a perfect world I would have had tons of marketing ready, but since my book was only going to be on sale for a week, I needed to act fast.

  1.        Instagram Posts
  2.        My Newsletter
  3.        My Street Team
  4.        Twitter
  5.        Tumblr
  6.        Facebook

When I hit Facebook, the app prompted me to boost the post. I figured, why not? It was the perfect chance to test the waters.

The process was insanely easy, and not really all that expensive.

I started with a budget of $7.00 total, for an add that would run for seven days. (A dollar a day. That’s not too bad)The results were interesting…At the end of the seven days, I had reached an additional 1,995 people, and 56 people had clicked on the buy links.

(more on WHO clicked below- stay with me)

Breaking that down, about 8 people clicked the buy link per day. NOT HUGE NUMBERS, but not that bad… because I know from research that you need to see the cover of a book at least three times before you consider buying, and then another 3-5 times before you decide to find out more or buy.

I had an “organic” reach of 150 people (that is average for me… these are the people who would have seen it in the feed without any advertising).

I asked the App to send the ad to women only in the USA between the ages of 13-50 who have shown interest in reading, science fiction, romance, young adult… etc.

Then I drilled down and found something REALLY interesting…

I looked at the demographic of the “clicks”. This was a real eye-opener. I know that my book is written for the 13-18 age group, but I went for the broader 13-50 range because I know a lot of adult women read YA as well.

But guess what?

48 of the people who clicked the buy links were in the 13-19 age brackets. My exact target audience! So sending out to a broad age range, I decided, might have been a mistake.

But the sale wasn’t over yet…

Then, I noticed that the sale had not ended on Saturday as scheduled. I decided to give my ad one last push. I was going to do one day for $1, but decided to try 1 day for $2 to send it to more people. I also adjusted the age bracket to 13-19 year olds (Sorry, adults… I was experimenting)

On that one day I received an additional 515 views and an additional 11 clicks

The final stats

So, at $1 a day I received an average of 284 views per day and 8 clicks per day

At $2 a day (On a Sunday, which might have skewed things) I received 515 views and 11 clicks

If you want to be really anal, for a total of $9.00 it cost $.00359 cents per view, or $.13 per click. Personally, I don’t only value the “click” numbers, because I know how important just the face time of the cover is.

How does Facebook stack up against other advertising?

I have purchased some other forms of advertising that cost $280 for just a few mentions. While those did provide great face time, I don’t think they were as good of a value as the Facebook ad.

So, to sum it all up, YES I would do this again, but with a few changes.

#1. I’d not shoot for such a wide age audience. If it went to more 13-19 year olds, I might have ended up with more clicks

#2. I’d taken a class on Facebook ads a few days before this happened, but I didn’t have time to create my own ad. Instead, I used just a picture of my book, and a friendly post about the sale. I’m going to experiment next time with the suggestions from the course I took. (Below is the Instagram version-same pic, same text as the Facebook Ad) Here is a link to the actual ad https://www.facebook.com/JenniferEaton.Author/

State breakdown… In case anyone is interested…

The most “clicks” came from California. 11 clicks from 167 people who saw the ad.

Followed by Ohio: 7 clicks from 123 reached

Arizona, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania: all 4 clicks from 50-99 reached

Most of the rest were 50-ish views with 1-3 clicks per state.

Yes, there were 24 states who saw the ad, but had no clickers. [Sad face]

If you’d like to know anything else about the experience, please let me know!

Has anyone else tested out the waters of Facebook advertising? How did it work for you?



Ashes and Fire2You can find Fire in the Woods and Ashes in the Sky at all these awesome bookish places!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound |

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Rekindling the Fire Inside an Older Manuscript

In February, 2016, I handed in first round developmental edits for book three in the FIRE IN THE WOODS series.

Read-hold up PKO_0016876I figured I didn’t have much time until I saw the manuscript again, so I picked up and older 52,000 word first draft I’d finished nearly two years before and gave it a read. It was pretty good, but I knew it needed “something”. I just wasn’t sure what. So, out to the beta readers it went.

Within a few reads, I’d learned that it was solid, but I needed a few things:

  1. A new beginning.
  2. A best friend character so my MC wasn’t always alone.
  3. I needed to severely slow down the pacing

happy smileWith this information in hand, I attacked with reckless abandon. By the time I’d finished the 12th draft in June, 2016, I had added 46,000 words, nearly doubling the manuscript to 98,000 words of alien-filled goodness.

I just rounded up five more beta readers to look over this draft, and as I read through the manuscript from start to finish, I find myself grinning.

Yup, I’m pretty darn happy with what this story has become.

But, of course, I will wait for five more opinions, and edit the poop out of the story five more times. I hope that the beta readers love it as much as I do. Hopefully, I will be shopping this new novel to publishers in September.

Have you ever picked up an old , dusty story, cleaned it up, and found a little gem?


Ashes and Fire2You can find  the Fire in the Woods series at all these awesome bookish places!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | IndiBound |

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3-2-1 Blastoff! It’s Release Day for ASHES IN THE SKY! Alien Adventure Abounds!

Release day is finally here!

Omigosh, yes, I know it took forever, but here it is! Ashes in the Sky is FINALLY available in all formats at all booksellers.


Here’s what early reviewers are saying on Goodreads:

85424-ashesinthesky-v6-book2-final-v3Ashes In The Sky is action-packed, fast-paced, and full of creative fun. It’s a book that’s out-of-this-world and will leave many with wanting more, and in a ironic twist probably craving tacos.
I was so in love with the concept and the writing and the characters that I couldn’t put it down. This is shaping up to be one of my new favourite alien invasion stories and I cannot wait to see where the next book goes!

After finishing this book I can safely say I’m now a huge/ massive fan of Jennifer M. Eaton’s books, boy does she know how to take you on an epic alien adventure. I absolutely adored this book and book one too it really is a no holds rip roaring ride of a book. I literally speed read this book in a few days, it’s brimming with action, heartbreak, romance and all out catastrophe.

85424-ashesinthesky-v6-book2-final-v3I really devoured Ashes in the Sky, it was a wonderful sequel and this series is a breath of fresh air. If you don’t fall for Jess and David and if you don’t catch some feels then we were reading different books! Ashes in the Sky is a brilliant adventure, a perfect addition to the series
If you enjoy young adult adventure stories (or romances) and haven’t read this series, you are missing hours of entertainment.
I read this book in a day, ignoring all other responsibilities, 100% because the excitement started pretty early on and continued (and escalated) right to the very end. There were moments where I was sure David and Jess were goners, or at least various body parts were!
85424-ashesinthesky-v6-book2-final-v3This book was breathtaking and I loved reading it. It more than fulfilled the promise of a fantastic book.

WOW! Jennifer does it again!

I loved this sequel to Fire in the Woods so much! It is definitely on par with, if not better than, it’s predecessor. It was even more action packed and was completely out of this world, literally!


 If you’d like to see all the Goodreads Reviews, click here.

ASHES IN THE SKY is finally available wherever books are sold

| Amazon | BookDepositoy.com | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | iTunes |BooksAMillion | ChaptersIndigo | IndieBound |

So what the heck  is this book about, anyway?

After inadvertently saving the world, 18-year-old Jessica Martinez is ready to put adventure behind her and settle back into the familiar routine of high school. But when she’s offered an opportunity to photograph the inside of an alien spaceship, Jess jumps at the chance. After all, she would be crazy to turn something like that down, right?
Ashes and FireBut when Jess discovers a plot to sabotage David’s efforts to establish a new home for his people on another planet, neither David’s advanced tech nor Jess’s smarts will be able to save them.

Young adult contemporary science fiction (Because you can’t get enough contemporary or science in your fiction)


Available wherever books are sold

Buy Links:  | Amazon | BookDepositoy.com | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | iTunes |


It’s the Book Trailer for ASHES IN THE SKY! Catch a sneak peak at chapter two of Fire in the Woods

We’re just one day away from the official release of ASHES IN THE SKY!

AshesInTheSkyCoverYes, yes, many of you who preordered paperbacks got your book a month early, but all your eReader friends still have grabby hands. To help get you through one more day, here’s the book trailer. (After the blurb)Enjoy!
swish swivel squiggle
After inadvertently saving the world, 18-year-old Jessica Martinez is ready to put adventure behind her and settle back into the familiar routine of high school. But when she’s offered an opportunity to photograph the inside of an alien spaceship, Jess jumps at the chance. After all, she would be crazy to turn something like that down, right?
Ashes and FireBut when Jess discovers a plot to sabotage David’s efforts to establish a new home for his people on another planet, neither David’s advanced tech nor Jess’s smarts will be able to save them.

Young adult contemporary science fiction (Because you can’t get enough contemporary or science in your fiction)

Available wherever books are sold

Buy Links:  | Amazon | BookDepositoy.com | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | iTunes |BooksAMillion | ChaptersIndigo | IndieBound |


Available wherever books are sold

Buy Links:  | Amazon | BookDepositoy.com | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Chapters Indigo! | iBooks | iTunes |


Reviews are in! Ashes in the Sky is ROCKING IT! Alien Kisses for Everyone!

Whew! With one week down of the two week book tour of Ashes in the Sky, Here’s what reviewers are saying:

AshesInTheSkyCoverFive Enthusiastic Stars – My most anticipated read of this year! – 3…2…1….BLAST OFF! You better hold on tight, because Jennifer is going to take you on one wild ride. I loved read this book! Absolutely loved it! I was so excited to get this book in the mail, that I read it in two days! Two day, people! Read full review here

Five Stars – I GIVE THIS BOOK 5 OUT 5 STARS .. IF I COULD MORE STARS. I WOULD. OMG.. I cried at some parts =[. Read full review here

Massive Five Stars – All in all a fantastic Alien book bursting with amazing characters, world building and kick ass battles with the bad guys get the tissues at the ready this book will blow your mind. Read full review here

Four out of five stars! – I was so in love with the concept and the writing and the characters that I couldn’t put it down. This is shaping up to be one of my new favourite alien invasion stories and I cannot wait to see where the next book goes! See full review here

Ashes in the Sky Cover 2016Five Stars – Enjoying [sequels] is a hard thing to do when the first book in a series is the one that grabs your attention, makes you fall in love with the characters, and is that all consuming first impression you can never forget. But I have to say, I love ASHES IN THE SKY, even more than Book 1. Read full review here

Four and a half stars – Ashes in the Sky is a fantastic follow-up to Fire in the Woods; it has everything I didn’t know I needed! I loved the adventure Jennifer M. Eaton continued and I am so thrilled she gave us more Jess & David. Her writing was engaging and creative. I really loved the in-depth world building, character development, and the awesomeness of space! Read full review here

3.7 out of 5 Stars –  I want to reiterate how fast paced and hilariously sharp tongued Jess is and I had no problem diving right back into the story once I got reoriented since it’s been a few years since I read the first book. The writing and pacing are great, I sat on the edge of my chair as I binge read the entire book because I couldn’t put it down. Read full review here

PKO_0001147I have to admit, I’m feeling pretty good right now.

One more week to go on this review tour, and eight more days until release day!

swish swivel squiggle 2

Ashes in the Sky is available at all these great book retailers.

BAM | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD



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